David Rosenmann-Taub

David Rosenmann-Taub at the piano.David Rosenmann-Taub is both a composer and a pianist. His mother, a consummate pianist herself, gave him his first lessons at the age of two. He was later taught by Roberto Duncker, who urged him to become a concert performer. He also studied composition, counterpoint, and fugue with the great Chilean composer Pedro Humberto Allende, who wanted him to devote himself full-time to composing.

ConversacionesHe has recorded over a hundred CDs, most yet to be released, of his own compositions, in which he introduces striking innovations. In certain of his pieces (Despedida del Deseo [Farewell to Desire], Fuegos Naturales [Natural Fires]) he presents a single subject contemplated from various points of view, so that it can be observed in the same way a sculpture would be. Others of his extraordinary creations (such as Abecechedario [Alphabet] and Orbe [Orb]) contain up to six different, precisely interlocking piano parts, played by the composer himself and overdubbed, producing a vibrant intricacy of meaning.

Rhythms of a Multiverse, presents nineteen selections from David Rosenmann-Taub’s instrumental performances. Employing brief narratives, the composer examines the relationship between his poetry and his music, the basis of musical language, art as the expression of lived experience, and the role of rhythm in nature, poetry and music.

En un lugar de la SangreHis music demands, and rewards, resolute attention from the listener. Its themes range from the intimate to the cosmic, from the sanctuary of a mother’s lap to a multiverse that is a nightmarish carousel of incessant creation-destruction. As a pianist, Rosenmann-Taub makes the music speak with stunning clarity, free of embellishment: his technical virtuosity is a match for the complexity of his compositions.

In June 2010 Conversaciones, the first volume of the David Rosenmann-Taub collection appeared on the MSR Classics label. En un lugar de la Sangre, the second volume of the collection was released in July 2013. A third volume, Primavera sin fin, was released in 2018.

“My reaction to uncivilization and to the selfishness that predominates in human conduct, my outcry, my indignation, my revulsion, do not express themselves in me with words. They do appear, though, in some of my musical motifs.” — David Rosenmann-Taub, in an interview in El Mercurio of Santiago.
